We finished our second week of rehearsal with a great stumble-through. The director is flying back to New York on the day off to see his family, so we had a relaxed day today. I thought the show looked in pretty good shape for the second week, and he agreed. I find his style so interesting because he is so good at watching the whole scene, or whole act, and finding the two or three notes to give that can send the scene in a new interesting direction. Once you see it implemented, you realize that was exactly what needed to happen.
I need to work on my attention span, because I find myself unable to do that. I always feel the need to jump in and fix every moment as it comes up, especially early in rehearsal. As I watch and learn, I realize my old methods might just pick at small details and ignore the overall picture, which would create a very disjointed show. This is why we have to assist the veterans before becoming one!

I wanted to go see another show tonight at The Globe, but apparently they did not have a show tonight due to Pride Celebrations in the San Diego Zoo. The outdoor stage buts right up against the zoo, so a large celebration would be very distracting on stage. It seems to me that having a LGBT celebration inside a zoo is not the message you want to send... but what do I know?

Besides running lines with a cast member (which I actually enjoy immensely because it gives me a sense of purpose) I did not do much with my night. I have found myself in video game withdrawal and I have been scouring the internet for an interesting flash game. I settled on an Emulator for Pokemon, thinking that would hold my interest, but the gameplay was so slow that it ended up putting me to sleep. That was my weekend!
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