Hello friends and family. For those of you interested in my life on the left coast, I will try and update this with interesting accounts of what's going on. Of course, you could always call me.
Today got off to a pretty rocky start.
I woke up at 3am after what was basically a short nap (layered on top of a long weekend of the aptly named "Sleep No More") and I headed out. I had a very specific schedule for how to catch each part of public transportation, from the PATH to a bus to the plane, as I was hoping to save money.
Nothing could be that easy. As soon as I descended the steps I discovered that the handle to my 56 lb rolling suitcase was broken and would not extend. I stumbled down the street, tugging on the suitcase which in turn smashed against the back of my knees. What was normally a 7-8 minute walk turned into 20 minutes. Fortunately, I gave myself plenty of time and I got to the PATH station with 4 minutes to spare.

I dragged my luggage back up to street level, cursing my luck and drawing more amusement than concern from whatever security and stragglers were around at 4am in the morning. I staggered up to the taxi line, and upon query found their outrageous price for driving to Newark. Because I was already near hysterics and dripping with sweat, I think I put up a convincingly scary argument for the cabbie to drop his rate, and we settled at $40.
As I sat in the cab with the window cracked ever so slightly, hoping the slightly radioactive air of Elizabeth, New Jersey would dry the mop on my forehead, I thought to myself:
"California, you better be worth it..."

It is.
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